Three years and one day ago began some of the hardest longest days of my life. I was working at an insurance company in Memphis. I was 8 and a half months pregnant with ME. I worked on my feet a lot. I was running mail around the building and I stopped mid step and thought I was going to die. I felt so bad. I never went into to labor with A-man, so I thought I just was having pregnancy pains. I called the dr. He said for me to come in and get checked out because I wasn't full term yet. My regular doctor checked me the week before and I was 2 cm and 50% thinned out. So I called Coach who was working the state basketball tournament and told him what was going on. He left to meet me at the dr. On my way, I got stuck in traffic. There was a terrible accident on the interstate. I sat in traffic for an hour! I was getting a little scared, but remained calm. Coach got stuck in traffic as well. I didn't want to be by myself so I called my dad. He was already in Memphis, so he left work to, you guessed it, get stuck in traffic as well. I got to the dr and he checked me and said I was 3 cm dilated and 70% thinned out. He sent me to the hospital to be observed. The nurse wheeled me over and I thought she was crazy. I remember thinking how much is this costing!!! My dad got there soon after I did. He stayed with for about 2 hours because Coach was still stuck in traffic. The dr came in and told me I was to stay in the bed until my appt the next day. Little did he know my BFF was having her baby. I was determined to go and see her and her precious baby boy. The dr said I could go to work the next day if I didn't have anymore contractions! I had some girls from work call me and ask if I was coming to work the next day. I said yes! They had planned a surprise baby shower! So they had to tell me. I was even more determined to go to work the next day. I totally should have stayed at home. When I finally got home, Coach went back to work and told me not to move. He put my mom in charge. A-man was at a friends house. After he left, I told my mom either she could take me to see my BFF or I was taking myself. I am a little hard headed! She finally gave in. I got to see Erin and Carson. She of course got on to me and told me to go home.
I went to work the next day. I had a great baby shower. I had a wonderful time and got a lot of cute things for ME. I still didn't feel well. I went to my appt at 4 that afternoon to see my regular dr. I was sure she would tell me I was fine and send me home. She checked me and I was 4 cm dilated and 80% thinned out. Her eyes got big and she told her nurse to go and call Coach. She told me she was sending me back to the hospital to be monitored. I freaked out! ME wasn't due for almost 6 weeks. By the time I got to the hospital, I was hurting terribly bad. Coach got there as did my parents. I didn't want Coach to call my parents until we knew what was going on. Of course he didn't listen to me.
By the time the nurse checked me again I was 5 cm dilated and hurting so bad. They called the on call dr so they could decide what to do. The dr tried to tell me I wasn't in labor because my contractions weren't picking up on the monitor. I told her she better do something fast. Then she told me that no one had ever died from being in too much pain! I grabbed Coach by the shirt and told him he better get her out of there before I killed her! She finally asked us if we were ready to have a baby. I told her we didn't have a bag, the car seat was at home, and so on. We called a friend of ours who had A-man and told her we where having ME. I sent my dad to get A-man a present from ME, which I had planned on doing that weekend. He came back with all kinds of presents for A-man. We also called some of our family and friends to tell them ME was on her way. By the time they wheeled my to the surgery room, most everyone had arrived. I got to talk to A-man before I went back to have ME. He was a little scared because he didn't know what was going on.
ME was born that night and weighed a little over 5 pounds. She was beautiful. I didn't get to hold her because they took her to check her out to make sure she was ok. The next morning at 6 am I told the nurse I wanted to get up and go see my baby girl. It was that afternoon when I got to hold her. She was precious. She had trouble eating and breathing so that night they took her to NICU. A-man couldn't understand why he couldn't go see her. She stayed in the hospital for 9 days. She weighed 4 and a half pounds when we brought her home. She grew quickly though.
Today we celebrated her 3rd birthday. She was a mess tonight. It was all about her. Her and A-man and Coach are my world. I know this was a long post, but I remember every detail so perfectly. She was my miracle baby. But that is a story for another day.